Tuesday, February 15, 2011

change of plans....

i've decided NOT to start the doubles routine for lots of reasons. mostly because i just don't feel like i want to spend a little more than 2 hours a day working out right now, but partly because i feel like my body's finally in a groove and i don't want to throw it for a loop and shake things up again by adding an extra cardio session 3 times a week. i'm not good at getting all the calories i need every day right now as it is, so if i try to burn more every other day i'm fairly certain i will just end up putting my body into starvation mode because i won't be good about eating more to properly fuel my body, or on the flip side of that i will eat more junk because i can justify it, so while i won't necessarily be going over my calorie limits i won't be eating as well and that's no good either. i have no desire to sabotage myself and i'm not going for a 'biggest loser' type of weight loss so i'm happy with keeping my weight loss numbers a little lower if i can keep them consistent that way. i'm trying to change my lifestyle habits and not just lose weight. i feel pretty fit right now and i'm really enjoying it.

one other reason i decided maybe i'd just stick with the classic p90x routine is because at this point i'd just like to say i've finished it. i want to get through the whole program so i don't want to make it harder for myself when it's pretty killer as is. i may or may not, from time to time, decided to slip in that extra cardio workout on certain days, but i'm not going to beat myself up about it or push myself to burn-out. i'm very happy to say that in more than 4 weeks i haven't missed a single workout. that's pretty stellar for me and i'm hoping to keep it that way.

so, wish me luck as i continue on my crazy p90x journey. i can use the support.

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