Thursday, February 3, 2011


i know, everyone has the discouraged post. but i have to vent somewhere and this is my blog. isn't that was it's for?

it's been 2 1/2 weeks and i haven't lost any weight. seriously, any. i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong. eating too many calories? not enough? no consistency? wish i had money to go visit a nutritionist. i did stumble upon a blog by a woman about why people (specifically women) don't necessarily lose weight on p90x and how it's not a weight loss program, it's a fitness program. helpful information, really. however, i figured i would lose SOME weight just because, well, i'm burning a lot of calories every day, gaining muscle and eating better. seems like a combination for some kind of weight loss, right? blah! i haven't lost any inches either, in case you're wondering. i HAVE gotten quite a bit stronger and, indeed more fit, but i'd really like to start losing a little weight now. my 30 pics are going to look just like my before pics. oh, sigh.

part of me is tempted to quit p90x and try a different weight loss tack, as per the article i read (which made a lot of sense, really) however, the other part of me says stick with it. even if you don't lose any weight, you will be more fit and that's important right? besides, these first 30 days could be a setup for something wonderful in the next 30. plus, if i do decide to go a different rout afterwards, i may actually have enough strength and endurance to make some other workouts much more effective.

meh. wish me luck. i've only got the rest of this week and then recovery week for phase 1. i think i'm still going to try doubles when i start phase 2. we'll see.

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